Hi! My name is Chelsea and I am a junior at Cal studying Civil Engineering! I’m originally from Orange County (aka best place in the world) and I have been in MUN for 7 years now! At Cal, I am super busy (like seriously all the time) with BMUN, Engineers Without Borders (EWB), and my sorority. In my free time, I enjoy watching Grey’s Anatomy, taking long walks on the beach while contemplating the expansiveness of the universe, and drinking chai lattes (with soy milk and two shots of espresso, in case you want to bring me one ;) ). Also, I love all things to do with dogs (including petting dogs and doggo/pupper/woofer/floofer lingo) along with cats. I am so looking forward to conference, and I can’t wait to hear the excellent solutions that you come up with!!! Pls enjoy these various pics of me from all walks of life.
Hello! Hope you guys are working hard on the position papers! Can’t wait to read over some of them. Today, we are going to further look into the case study of the aboriginals population in Australia. The article listed above lays out beautifully the “social gap” between the indigenous and Australian population. And the results are striking. Let’s take a look at these statistics with the lense of health, poverty, and education in to consideration (*look at the topic synopsis if confused). Poverty: We can consider poverty rates first, and what do we see? Compared to the 5.8% unemployment rate of the Australian population, that of the indigenous population quadruples at 20.8%. Education: Students attending school 90% of the time for the Australian population is 79.3%, while for the indigenous population it is 49%. Additionally, compared to the Australian population where 80% of the students have finished year 12, only 61% of students of indigenous backgrounds have done the same....
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